Lessons Learned

Life can be a hard teacher and sometimes, it is easy to get swallowed up in disappointment, perceived failures, incessant busyness and chronic fatigue. But the one thing that I have found is that in order to successfully navigate the ever flowing waters of life, I must be cognizant of my perception and it’s effect on each situation in which I find myself.  I have found that it’s not WHAT I go through, but HOW I go through that can either make or break me.  And I have also learned that even in the hardest of times or the most dismal of failures, there are lessons to be learned and character to be built. It’s true that what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger. And these days, I feel like I am strong as hell. I have gained plenty of perspective, learned to be more objective, discovered that I DON’T know everything, have accepted that at times, I am the problem and that in the end, if I keep my wits about me and my perspective positive, that things will work out and I will be all the better for the experience. Life (as well as some truly stupid things I have done) has given me keen insight and new perspectives and I would like to share them with you.

21 Things that I have learned:

1) Success does not always come in monetary form.

2) The only failure is in not trying.

3) Even if you take a leap but don’t land exactly where you intended, the fact had you had the heart to take the leap is a BIG DEAL.

4) There will ALWAYS be those who will not be happy about your accomplishments/success.

5) The only limitations that you have in achieving your goals are the limitations that you put on yourself.

6) The sky is NOT a limit.

7) You will get a lot of advice from folks who don’t know what the hell they are talking about, have never done what you are doing, think inside the box or lack the fortitude to pursue their own dreams.

8) When you are willing to give back and willing to help others along in their journeys, you WILL reap blessings.

9) There is enough room for all of us to succeed…if we would stop putting each other down with negative energy and jealousy.

10) Holding fast to my principles, morals, standards and trainings doesn’t mean that I am judgmental or arrogant…it means that I have taken a stance for the things in which I believe…and that’s okay.

11) There will be times when people who deal with me in business will not be so happy…and that’s okay. That is par for the course. I am about my business, I keep it professional and I get the job done.

12) People have developed opinions about me based on what they think they know…yet they haven’t taken the time to really get to know me. They are not worth my time, energy or thoughts.

13) People throw shade because of the social media highlight reel of my life. I understand that with sunshine comes shade.

14) My journey is just that: MY journey. Everyone doesn’t know what I have been through to get to where I am–nor do they need to know. My testimony isn’t for everyone. And I have to accept that there will always be folks who will believe that good things just fall in my lap.

15) If I don’t respect my grind, why should anyone else?

16) Like my big sister Carol stated in her book: Everyone cannot be in your front row. Heck! Some folks aren’t even invited to the Lisa Show.

17) No matter what I do or desire to do, my children come first.

18) No matter how much I preach, screech, talk or pray, my children are influenced and inspired by my action (or lack thereof).

19) Mediocrity is not an option.

20) Live each day with gratitude…because each day in which I am blessed to live is INCREDIBLE!!! Each day is a new opportunity to sow positively into the lives of others…another day to set and reach a new goal…another day to live with purpose.

21) If God never blesses me again, He has done more than enough for this reformed sinner and for that I am ever grateful.

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